Sunday, July 12, 2009

Baseball Game

For your baseball team,
I would offer
the following suggestions
for improvement.

Find a man who can see
the back of his own head
and with his peripheral vision
rally mutants and dress them in yellow.

Insist that all batters hum
while at the plate, ballads,
or tunes to rally the heart
to lost causes, nothing religious.

For a mascot, I propose
the noble elephant - his
trunk-like bat in one hand,
his bat-like trunk where his nose should be.

On the subject of bats,
might we leave them
in a more tree-like state,
their roots still showing,
small clods of dirt spraying
with every swish through air?

The fans could be taller, I think.
The beer more Czech.

And the scores that must be settled,
recorded in digits so high that all of us watching
might feel that much is at stake.

Our humanity and hair styles,
our children's too.

That we might leave the stadium, blinking,
still set in the ways we came in with,
but knowing that these are the right ways
for certain this time.

35 to 32 should do it, I think.
Or, 57 to 53, to be safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is my favourite one yet, because the turn to the ending says so much about the force of the crowd. I also like the tone, a little bit like William's "Tract" except kooky. -Glenn